Workday: Top Security Use Cases

HR and Finance departments around the world use Workday to manage payroll, benefits, and employees. Workday’s powerful financial management and human capital management systems provide a single resource for collaboration and enable decision-making based on real-time data.
How Adaptive Shield Helps Secure Workday
Workday deploys industry-leading safeguards and continually monitors its system, protecting sensitive financial and employee data from exposure. When configured correctly, data contained within Workday is secured and safe. Adaptive Shield enhances that protection through continuous security checks that identify configuration drifts that could expose Personal Identifiable Information (PII) and financial data.

Limit Overprivileged Users

Map users’ roles to detect permission sprawl and identify over-privileged users 
  1. Group users by roles and permissions 
  2. Identify users with access to multiple domains
  3. Identify unfunctional users with high permissions who are inactive

Enforce a Strong Access Control Policy

Prevent unauthorized users from accessing sensitive employee and financial data
  1. Enforce MFA
  2. Implement a limited MFA grace period
  3. Enforce a 15-minute automated session timeout for inactive users

Silo Workday Data Effectively

Limit the number of domains granted to a security group
  1. Identify security groups with access too many domains 
  2. Remove unnecessary domains from the security group
GDPR Compliant
ISO 27001 Compliant
ISO 27001 Certified
ISO 27701 Certified
SOC 2 Compliant
Cyber GRX