Why SaaS Security is So Hard

Maor Bin, CEO & Co-Founder

It’s never quiet in the era of cybercrime — and becoming the more common vector for bad actors and infiltration is within the company’s SaaS security posture.

With the SaaS market growing at 30% per year and with Deloitte and others predicting that post-covid, the SaaS model will be even more widespread, it is safe to say that SaaS configuration weakness will be all the more exploited. One only has to consider the typical employee, untrained in security measures, and how their access or privileges increase the risk of sensitive data being stolen, exposed, or compromised. SaaS Security Posture Management (SSPM), as defined by Gartner, is critical to the security of today’s enterprise.

I like to refer to this as the BIG misunderstanding. Many don’t realize that there are two sides to securing company SaaS apps. While SaaS providers build in a host of security features designed to protect company and user data, it is ultimately beyond their control. Just as in any other part of the network, the IT or security team are the ones responsible for protecting and managing the data, configurations, user roles and privileges, regardless of their location.

SaaS Security Challenges’ Rundown

For enterprise organizations, ensuring that all the SaaS apps are configured properly and have the correct user roles and privileges is not only a never-ending, time-consuming endeavor, but an impossible one.

Here is a rundown of the main issues security teams face that make SaaS security complex, laborious and just…hard.

Preventing SaaS Security Posture Problems

Organizations vulnerable to SaaS security configuration weakness can now turn to solutions that automate their SaaS security posture.

As Gartner’s own Tom Croll asserts in 3 Steps to Gartner’s SaaS Security Framework (Dec 2020):

“Increasingly, business-critical data is being processed by applications that exist entirely outside the corporate network, making traditional controls ineffective. New controls are needed to address these new realities.

SSPM tools allow enhanced controls to further protect data stored in the most commonly used SaaS applications. Core capabilities include monitoring the configuration of native SaaS security settings, reporting non-compliance and auto-remediating violations to maintain alignment with multiple compliance frameworks.”

There are many solutions in cloud security, yet it’s only the SSPM solution that assesses the company’s SaaS security posture in a customized and automated manner, tailored to the specifications of each application and company policy. And it’s not a one-time assessment; it is a continuous process that monitors and reinforces the company’s SaaS security.

The right SSPM solution, like Adaptive Shield, can provide deep visibility and remediation for potential vulnerabilities in a company’s SaaS security posture, from misconfigurations and misappropriated privileges to suspicious SaaS usage. SSPMs are built to streamline and improve the security team’s efficiency, reducing their workload and stress, while increasing protection for the company against any potential exposure or breach.

This was first published in Security Boulevard on March 12, 2021.

About the writer

Maor Bin, CEO & Co-Founder

A former cybersecurity intelligence officer in the IDF, Maor has over 20 years in cybersecurity leadership. In his career, he led SaaS Threat Detection Research at Proofpoint and won the operational excellence award during his IDI service. Maor got his BSc in Computer Science and is CEO and co-founder of Adaptive Shield. Oh and he is a globally-ranked chess player.