Torq Tech Partner

Adaptive Shield Tech Partner


Detecting misconfigurations and other SaaS security issues is only half the battle. However, remediation activities can be labor-intensive and time-consuming, making them difficult to fully remediate.

Who is Torq?

Torq is a dynamic cybersecurity firm specializing in automated orchestration. The company’s AI-driven hyper-automation platform provides comprehensive solutions to safeguard businesses against evolving cyber threats. Focusing on proactive defense strategies, Torq empowers organizations to stay ahead in the constantly evolving cybersecurity landscape.

Visit Torq’s Website to learn more

How do we work with Torq?

Torq’s integration with Adaptive Shield enables security teams to automate time-consuming processes, such as finding partially deprovisioned users and fully removing their access. The Torq integration includes premade steps, and allows users to create custom steps to meet their team’s needs.

“Adaptive Shield’s integration with Torq streamlines SaaS security through automation, lifts the burden of manually auditing and deactivating accounts, and provides continuous visibility and control to increase the organization’s SaaS security posture.”
Daniel Meschiany Product Team Lead at Adaptive Shield

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